As is well known, Muslims believe that being killed or crucified is not Jesus. But others whose faces are likened to Jesus, as Allah Almighty says:
An Nisa 157: and because of their saying: "We killed the Messiah, 'Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah, but they did not kill him nor crucify him, but (whom they killed) they.
For Muslims the verse is information from the All-Witnessing of the event, namely Allah SWT. After we hear the information from the All-Witnesses, then next is to conduct an investigation. Where do we investigate in search of evidence of Jesus Christ not being crucified? Of course the closest investigation is the Bible itself because we can not possibly go back to 2000 years ago to investigate, yet there are still crumbs from the truth left over from the incident.
And after the investigation was found some evidence that indicates that Jesus Christ is not crucified. Of the many indications, based on the level of proof then grouped into two parts, namely Main Indication and Support Indication.
1. The mental attitude of the crucified person is very different from the mental attitude of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 26:42 - Sincere for accept the pain
Matthew 27:46 - Not Sincere
2. The crucified person is abonden by God (Matthew 27:46), while the Lord will not abandon him (John 8:29), and also promised does not forsake His saints (Ps. 37:28).
3. The crucified person calls the name of God as Eli (Matthew 27:46) While Jesus has never in his life call Him with that name.
4. The condition of burial of the crucified person is not like in the belly of the fish.
Matthew 12:40 in earth's womb as in a fish's belly
Matthew 27:60 - Laid on a rock
5. The crucified person "rises" before three days and three nights. While Jesus said that he would "rise" after three days and three nights.
Matthew 12:40 "Rise" after three days and three nights
Matthew 28: 1, Luke 24: 6 "Rise" before three days
6. It turns out there are two people with the same name Jesus on the day of the crucifixion will be done, namely Jesus Christ and Jesus Barabbas. (Matthew 27:16)
7. Jesus can change his own face.
(Mark 16:12, Luke 24: 15-31, John 20:14)
8. There are those from the Romans who have a strong motive for Jesus Christ to be free from the death penalty. (Matthew 27:19)
9. There is no guilty verdict on the charge of Jesus Christ.
(Luke 23: 4, 14, 15)
10. There was a double earthquake. (First quake: Matt. 27:51, Second earthquake of Matthew: 28: 2)
Details of the Indications are as follows:
Jesus Christ is a great apostle, of course he has a mental attitude worthy of his being the Great Apostle. His mental attitude toward God must be much higher than the mental attitude of ordinary people, like me and you. Therefore when he struck suffer certainly his attitude is not like the attitude of people who protest to God let alone to issue a loud voice.
A Great Apostle when he suffering, he was not protest to God, but prayed that if the suffering passed from him, as Jesus prayed as follows:
Matthew 26:39 "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."
But if the suffering is indeed he must go through then he willingly accept it, it is seen from his next prayer:
Matthew 26:42 "O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done."
So if that suffering must happen, then he willingly accept it, not protest or question "God, why am I like this?".
Now let's look at what the crucified man says, this is what he says:
Mat 27:46 = About three o'clock Jesus CRIED OUT with a LOUD VOICE: "Eli, Eli, lama sabakhtani?" that is, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
So the man who was crucified was not sincere to accept the suffering. So it is clear that the crucified man is not Jesus Christ.
Christians defend themselves that it happens because it is human nature if suffering. What a false argument. His natural nature if he is a messenger of God then it is impossible, especially if he holds the Son of God. Examples are like the following pious people, they are human beings with their human nature as well, but please see how they deal with suffering:
(1) Bilal Bin Rabah vs. "Jesus"
Bilal bin Rabah was one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, he was freed by Abu Bakr when tortured by his master because he followed the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. How was Bilal tortured? He was rested on the hot sand under the hot sun, then crushed with a big rock on his chest, so that in addition to suffering from burning back skin, heat and thirst, he also difficulty in breathing. Then what comes out of the mouth of a black slave? In that situation he exclaims: Ahad ..., ahad ..., ahad ..., meaning the One, ... the One, .. the One... In such circumstances he does NOT say: "God, why am I suffering like this!". So it is a very contradictory mentality between what comes out of the "Jesus" mouth with a man who is even just a slave.
# The voice of Bilal bin Rabbah (a slave): "The One..., the One..., the One..."
# The voice of "Jesus" (Son of God): "God, why hast thou forsaken thee?"
Since a Jesus mentality can not be lower than a slave it is impossible for Jesus Christ to be crucified.
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
(2) The Prophet Job vs. Jesus
The prophet Job was a godly man who was blessed with a wealth of wealth and was endowed with seven children. His wealth does not make him forget to always give thanks and worship to God.
One day God showed his servant named Job to Satan, then God said: "Behold my servant is not his treasure to forget Me. Then Satan replied: "If all the treasures of Job and his descendants you will surely turn away from you and will curse You". This Demon Challenge God granted, then all his treasures vanished and his sons died by the storm. Then what does Job's prophet do?
Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped. And he said: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, And naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.". (Job 1: 20-22)
"Blessed be the name of the Lord!" Job did not complain, even praised God's name.
Is that just God's chalange to Job's prophet? no, Job was even given a skin disease that made people not know him anymore. So much so that this suffering until his wife said:
And his wife said to him, "Do you still persevere in your righteous deeds? KNEW YOUR GOD and MUT!" (Job 2: 9)
Is Job INTERESTED with his wife's words? This is the word of the prophet Job:
But he said unto him, Thou art like a mad woman: shall we receive the good from God, but will NOT accept THE BAD? In all this Job did not sin with his lips. (Job 2:10)
# The words that come from the mouth of the prophet Job for his suffering: "The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD", while prostrating to God. And he surrendered to God for what he received whether it was GOOD or BAD.
# While the words that come from the mouth of the crucified person upon his crucifixion: "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
Since the mental of Jesus Christ can not be lower than Job's prophet, it is impossible for Jesus Christ to be crucified.
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
(3) Stephen vs "Jesus"
Stephen was a disciple of Jesus' disciples. One day Stephen was arguing with the Jewish priests about Jesus' teachings. The debate irritated the Jewish priests, and accused Stephen of insulting the law of Moses, so that Stephen was sentenced to stoning. When the punishment begins to take place this is what happens:
"On his knees he cried with a loud voice:" Lord, do not put this sin on them! "And with that word he died." (Acts 7:60)
That is the cry of a man named Stephen, then what is the cry of the one who says the Son of God: "Lord, why hast thou forsaken me"
Stephen wished that the sins of the slain should not be imposed upon them. The one who said he was the Redeemer of Sin screamed to question God: "God, why have you abandoned me?"
It seems that Stephen is more suitable as a sinner than a crucified person who is the Son of God. So is it true that the crucified is Jesus Christ?
Since the mental of Jesus Christ can not be inferior to his dictation, it is impossible for Jesus Christ to be crucified.
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
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Stevanus Stoned by Jew Priest |
(4) Prophet Muhammad vs. "Jesus"
Here is a piece of the Prophet Muhammad's long speech which he gave his advice to his people before he died.
... O mankind, listen to and obey you to your leader, even though you are led by a slave from the land of the pug-nosed Habsyah, as long as he keeps the teachings of the Book (Qur'an) to all of you. Do good attitude towards servant sahaya. Feed them with what you eat and clothe them with the clothes you wear. If they do something wrong that you can not forgive, then sell those slaves and do not torture them ...
Compare with the cry of the one who he says is the reincarnation of God, what is his cry: "God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
Prophet Muhammad cares for his people so he gives his final advice. The one who says the Son of God thinks of himself for his suffering, then protests to the Lord: "Lord, why have you forsaken me?"
Of the four comparisons of the above individuals, it is clear that the crucified one is not Jesus Christ.
Christian belief declares that Jesus Christ is a god, and because Jesus is a god surely Jesus knows the events that will happen to him. And of course Jesus also knows what his duty as God incarnate before men as a Redeemer. And also Jesus would know in what way the sin was redeemed, that is by sacrificing himself. So if Jesus already knew his duty like that why he still asked God: "Lord, why did you leave the kuuu?". Does this make sense?
Christians argue that because of the immense suffering that Jesus had to bear caused Jesus to utter such words. The great suffering happens because the sin it carries is all the sin of man from the prophet Adam to the end-time man. Of course this is an absolute answer, without any knowledge except for prejudice only. If the reason is considered logical, then it is not appropriate for Jesus to cry like that to God. At least Jesus would say:
"Oh God it is like this human suffering is punished, plus this suffering multiply because I have to bear all the sins of mankind. God strengthen me in the mission of Your Love in redeeming human sin ".
But in fact Jesus did not say that, because the crucified one was not Jesus Christ. And more precisely because there is no mission of self-sacrifice for the ransom of human sin.
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
The crucified person protested to God with a loud voice, for he was left behind by Him.
Jesus cried with a loud voice: "Eli, Eli, lama sabakhtani?" * Meaning: / My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? "(Mt 27:46)
While God has promised that He will hear the groaning of the Righteous who pray to Him, and release all the distress that exists. God says:
Ps 34:17 When the Righteous cry out, the Lord hears, and releases them from all their troubles.
When did Jesus cry out about his distressing wrath? Here is his grievance:
Matthew 26:
and he said to them (the disciples of Jesus): "My heart is very sad, as if it were going to die, stay here and keep watch with me." (38)
And he went a little, and fell down, and prayed, and said, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup come forth from me, but not as I please, but as thou wilt." (39)
Jesus was terrified and sad because the time of his capture was imminent. So Jesus wished God would have given up all the threats that would come to him. And the way it is left to God. The Lord's promise goes on to his beloved:
Ps 37:28 For the LORD loves the law, and he does not forsake his dear ones. UNTIL they will be preserved forever.
There are two possible explanations from Psalm 37:28.
FIRST: God loves the law, it means the law must be upheld, the Righteous must be free from punishment while the Wrong must be punished. Jesus Christ is the Righteous therefore should be free from punishment, while the guilty is the one who should be punished.
SECOND: "He has not forsaken his dear ones, forever they will be preserved." Obviously Jesus Christ is a man so beloved of Him, therefore it is impossible for God to leave Jesus Christ. God's love is valid forever. But the crucified man declares that he has abandoned the Lord: "My God, why have you forsaken me?" So it is clear that the crucified person is not Jesus Christ.
In addition, Jesus Christ long before the crucifixion testified that God would not leave him alone, for he always did what was pleasing to God:
John 8:29 And the one who sent me is with me. He does not leave me alone, for I always do what is pleasing to Him. "
Because Jesus never did an act that was not pleasing to God's heart, it is impossible for Jesus Christ to be abandoned by God. Therefore who is this crucified man who has claimed to be abandoned by God?
Those are the Major Indications that prove that the crucified person is not Jesus Christ. The Main Indications are supported by Supporting Indications as follows:
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
Mat 12:39 But he answered them, "This evil and unfaithful generation demands a sign, but they will not be marked except the sign of the prophet Jonah.
Mat 12:40 For just as Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will remain in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.
Try to read the above verse to someone who has never read the Bible before and has never known Christianity. Then ask what is meant by: living in the womb of the earth. It must be the answer: in the ground.
From the word "in the womb of the earth" clearly shows that Jesus was not buried by the way his body was laid on a rock in the cave, as shown below, but he was swallowed up by the earth.
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whether the funeral way above gives effect as in the belly of the fish? |
Then compare which conditions are more similar to being in the belly of the fish, whether in the cave or in the ground.
# In the belly of fish people have difficulty breathing, as well as in the soil of people hard to breathe.But in the cave people can still breathe.
# In the belly of fish some one squeezed by the pressure of fish stomach, so also in the ground people are squeezed by the pressure of the ground. But in the cave people can still move freely.
So the conclusion is that Jesus Christ is hidden by God in the ground or in the "womb of the earth", while the fate of the dying on the cross, he is placed in a cave. Here is another proof that the one dying on the cross is not Jesus Christ.
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
As writed Matthew 27:46, it revealed that the crucified person call the God's name as Eli. If you are have reading the Bible and know Jesus Christ in the Book, then it is clear that it is not the custom of Jesus to call God as Eli. He more often calls Him by the call of the Father, God, or God. But suddenly in a dying state is someone who said Jesus Christ yelled call God as Eli. Therefore is it true that the crying out person on the cross is Jesus Christ?
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
For as Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, so also the Son of man shall dwell in the womb of the earth three days and three nights. (Matthew 12:40)
So Jesus has signaled that he will experience a miracle event like Jonah in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. So if so if one is risen before or even longer than three days, then surely that one is not Jesus Christ. Let's examine how long a person lives "in the earth".
After the Sabbath, by the dawning of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. (Matt 28: 1)
So Mary came to the cemetery on a Sunday before sunrise or so-called before dawn. Then how is the condition of "Jesus" in the tomb?
He is not here, He has risen. (Luke 24: 6)
The crucified person begins to be buried in the cave at the entrance of the Sabbath on Friday evening before the setting of the sun. That means if it must be even three days and three nights then the "resurrection" of the crucified person should be on Monday afternoon before sunset. But when it was checked by Mary at the dawn of the day that Jesus was supposedly "risen". That means not even three days and three nights the man Jesus supposedly had "risen". This is incompatible with the words of Jesus. So obviously, since Jesus can not lie, it is none other than that the crucified one is not Jesus Christ.
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
By the time Jesus Christ was in court there was a man in the name of Jesus who was waiting for execution that day. So there are two Jesus on the same day. Is this a coincidence? Or is this God's plan?
Mat 27:16 - And at that time was in prison a famous evil named JESUS Barabbas.
Before I was busy preaching to Christians, I know that Jesus' substitut to the cross is Judas Iscariot, out of nowhere this information and what its foundation to sure that Judas crucified. At that time I was between believing and not, because as the logic would be, if Judas was punished he would desperately defend himself: "Hey you guys caught me, ... I'm not Jesus, I'm Judas, I never claim to be king of Jews". And the defense of Judas is at least in several places in the Gospels whether it is a valid gospel under the Council of Nicaea or the gospel which is considered heretical by the church.
But after I wrestled in Christology I found this verse Mat 27:16, and other stronger verses indicate that it was not Judas instead of Jesus to be crucified. And my conclusion that occupies a position to be executed is JESUS Barabas.
Not only is his name the same, but his nickname is the same, namely: Barabbas. According to the article I read Barabbas consists of two words: Bar and Abas, Bar means son and Abas of the Aba word which means Father, so this imprisoned Jesus has the title of the Father's Son, is very similar to the title of Jesus Christ who also has the Son of God, because God is his Father Jesus Christ, so Jesus Christ is the Son of the Father.
Are there any more similarities between these two people? Yes, that is both accused of being the King of Jews. It is clear in the trial of Jesus Christ being accused of being the Jewish King, while Jesus Barabbas though there is no information in the Gospel verse what his accusations are, but the literature on Jesus Barabbas shows that he was the rebel leader against Roman rule.
Barabbas was unhappy with the Roman occupation of the Israelites. Barabbas did not like Israel's choice of God to pay tribute to the pagan Romans. Thus it is not surprising that Barabbas did not protest when the board that reads the accusations as the Jewish King is pinned on his cross. If only the accusation was different, for example Chicken Thief, Barabas would protest: "... What, allegations thieves chicken? I Think now is not my time, Now is Chicken Thief execution ... Hey you guys, you bring wrong man!"
So is it a coincidence that the same name, the same nickname, and the punishment allegations are the same. Or this is evidence of God's scenario in to release Jesus Christ from the crucifixion.
The question of Jesus Barabbas as the defender of Israel from Roman occupation is the answer to why Barabbas exclaimed: "Goood, why have you forsaken me?" For Barabbas felt that what he did was to defend Israel, but why end up persecuted on the cross, for thus Barabbas protested God.
Such is the faith of a person with the level of faith of the layman. For from the time of the previous prophets if the people were under the power of the unbelievers and the oppressed, never the prophets were to invite his people to rebel against the ruler and overthrow his power. The prophets must invite his people to return to God, and call on the ruler to believe in God, to be fair to the people who are under his authority and to believe in the day of vengeance in which his responsibilities as ruler will be recompensed.
But not with Barabbas, he rebelled against the Romans, and maybe he killed the Pharisees and Sadducees who licked the Roman authorities and possibly also in his violent uprising he carried out robberies, and so he was famous for his crimes. "... the infamous crime named JESUS Barabbas."
So it is fitting that God forsake Jesus Barabbas, for he is a heavy criminal deserving of the cross.
That is the Proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
The miracles of Jesus are many, from healing the sick, reviving the dead, recovering the paralytic and so on. But people very rare to mention the ability of Jesus to change his own face. Below is the verse talk about it.
# The face of Jesus is unknown in front of Mary Magdalene.
Joh 20:14 Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing [there], and did not know that it was Jesus.
Joh 20:15 Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?" She, supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him, "Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away."
Joh 20:16 Jesus said to her, "Mary!" She turned and said to Him, "Rabboni!" (which is to say, Teacher).
# All day with Jesus none of Jesus' disciples recognized him.
In the 24th chapter of Luke from verses 15 through 31. It is told of how the disciples of Jesus spent the day with Jesus but none of them recognized Jesus. Until when dinner came, at that time Jesus broke bread and shared it, then they realized that he was Jesus Christ.
# On the other hand where Jesus reveals himself in another form.
Mark 16:12 After this he appeared in the other of the two of them, as they were on their way out of the city.
So it turns out the miracle of Jesus is not only what we know to date but also he can change his own face. If the other miracles of Jesus are clearly the benefits and functions, then what are the benefits and functions of his ability to change his face? There are two benefits:
To infiltrate enemy areas
To escape from enemy territory
So then there is evidence to be suspected when Jesus is in court, whether Jesus Christ is really crucified or Jesus Barabbas. The same name and Jesus Christ were able to change his own face, and did not rule out that he was able to change the face of Jesus Barabbas to Jesus Christ.
"... when they did not kill him and did not crucify him, but (the one they killed was) the one whom 'Isa was for them."
According to the discovery of the ancient text of the Coptic-speaking Bible in Egypt, there is the following statement: "According to the text, Jesus sometimes changes form, sometimes into redness, sometimes into whiteness, sometimes getting old, sometimes young."
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
Who are the Romans who have a strong motive for Jesus Christ not to be punished?
Here are the people who have no reason to punish Jesus for guilt:
# First is Pilate, this is Pilate's attempt at liberating Jesus, first by offering a prisoner exchange.
"Who do you want me to release for you, Jesus Barabbas or Jesus who is called Christ?" (Matthew 27:17)
But the Pharisees still wanted that Jesus Christ be punished. Yet Pilate was still trying to free Jesus Christ, perhaps by arguing to the priests that Jesus Christ would be free. This is illustrated in the following verse:
Once again Pilate spoke out loud to them, for he wanted to release Jesus. (Luke 23:20)
But they cried out against him, saying, "Crucify him, crucify him!" (Luke 23:21)
A third time Pilate said to them, "What evil has this man done? There is no iniquity which I find in him who deserves death. So I will chasten him and release him." (Luke 23:22)
When Pilate saw that all his efforts would be in vain, instead of chaos, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd and said: "I am innocent of this man's blood, that is your own business" (Matthew 27:24)
So Pilate was serious about trying to free Jesus with all his efforts.
# Then who else wants Jesus Christ not on the cross. He is Herod.
Luk 23:15 Neither did Herod, for he sent him back to us. There is nothing that He does that deserves death.
# Who else? This is he who has a very strong morif in order for Jesus Christ not to be crucified, he is Pilate's wife.
"Do not interfere in the matter of the Righteous, for by Him I VERY SORRY in the dream last night." (Matthew 27:19)
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
Jesus Christ was tried in two places, in the places of Pilate and Herod. And from the proceedings of two siding it is not decided that Jesus Christ is guilty. This is a prophecy of the Old Testament concerning the case of Jesus
Ps 37:33 The LORD did not deliver the righteous into his hands, he would not let him be declared wicked when judged.
If God did not let the Righteous be declared wicked when judged, then would God let the Righteous to be crucified? Clearly logical, it is clear that Jesus Christ was not allowed by God to be crucified. Jesus Christ saved Him.
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.
What to do with the earthquake? The relationship is with the following statement of Jesus:
Mat 12:40 For just as Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will remain in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.
As explained earlier, what is meant by in the womb of the earth means in the earth. That means God is hiding Jesus Christ in the ground for three days and three nights. And earthquakes are signs that Jesus Christ is fulfilling his words about "in the womb of the earth".
The first quake serves to swallow Jesus into the ground:
Mat 27:51 Just then 1 the temple curtain 2 was torn in two, from top to bottom, and an earthquake took place, and the rocks were split open.
And the second earthquake serves to excite and "raise" Jesus from the Ground.
NKJV biblegateway Mat 28: 2 There was a great earthquake ....
Is it a coincidence that the earthquake happened twice, or it is a supporting sign that Jesus Christ was not crucified.
All of these indications can not be called a coincidence but have enough evidence to suspect that God designed the scenario so that Jesus Christ is not crucified.
If Jesus Christ was not crucified, then who is worshiped and worshiped by Christians? Please answer yourself.
Greetings of peace and prosperity. May Allah give you guidance.
That is the proof that Jesus Christ is not crusified.